JS / Securing Multiple Accolades at Best Corporate Report Awards

Securing Multiple Accolades at Best Corporate Report Awards

Best corporate report

JS Group and its subsidiaries have won three awards at the Best Corporate Report Award Ceremony jointly hosted by the Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Pakistan (ICMAP) and the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (ICAP).

Jahangir Siddiqui & Co. Ltd. (JSCL) secured First Position in the NBFIs & Mutual Funds sector. Additionally, JS Bank and JS Global have won the prestigious Certificates of Merit in their respective sectors i.e., Banking and Brokerage.

Held annually since 2000, the Best Corporate Report Awards has been instrumental in encouraging entities to follow transparency in preparing their annual reports according to international best practices. The Award recognizes commitment to promoting corporate accountability and transparency through the publication of timely, informative, factual, and reader-friendly annual reports.

Suleman Lalani, Chief Executive Officer of JSCL stated, “This recognition is a testament to JS Group’s commitment towards ensuring open, transparent, and investor-friendly communication. We will endeavor to continue providing our stakeholders with value-adding, accurate and timely information.”

The awards reflect the JS Group’s commitment to ensuring the best corporate governance, emplacing comprehensive policies and procedures, and detailed and transparent disclosure of its operational environment, strategic objectives, transparency, risk management, and governance processes.

Committed to its role as a catalyst towards the prosperity of Pakistan’s economy, JS Group hopes to continue this journey of impact by providing a variety of innovative financial solutions in the years ahead.


About JS Group:

JS Group is a leading investment and industrial group headquartered in Karachi, Pakistan. The group invests internationally with a focus on emerging markets – through its offices in Dubai and London. JS Group’s core financial services business was founded in Pakistan in 1970 and has grown to become one of Pakistan’s leading banking and non-banking financial services groups. For more information, please visit http://www.js.com/

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