JS / Business / SME Banking / PMYB&ALS


Variable: Up to Eight (8) years with maximum Grace Period Up to one year grace period will be applicable.
Tier 1(T1)
Tier 2(T2)
Tier 3(T3)
Min & Max Financing
Up to PKR500,000/ (*MFBs / MFIs)
Above 500,000/
& Up to

Above PKR1,500,000/

& Up to PKR7,500,000/

Fixed at 5%
Fixed at 7%
Debt: Equity
Ratio (New Business)
Nil for Existing Businesses

*Micro Finance Banks / Micro Finance Institutions


Tiers Security / Collateral
T1 Clean (secured only by the personal guarantee of the borrower).In addition, rules & regulations of SECP/SBP shall be complied with by MFBs/MFIs
T2 Clean (secured only by the personal guarantee of the borrower).
T3 As per bank policy.
Vehicle(s) financed under T1, T2 & T3 to serve as collateral.
  • Upon receiving the application online, JS Bank representative will contact you for application processing.
  • All Pakistani Nationals
  • Having entrepreneurial potential
  • Small and Medium Enterprises (startups and existing businesses) owned by youth.
  • Age:
    • Minimum: 21 years (individuals and sole proprietors)
    • IT/E-Commerce related businesses: 18 years (at least matriculation or equivalent education will be required)
    • Maximum: 45 years
  • In the case of all other forms of business including partnerships and companies, only one of the owners, partners, or directors must be in the age bracket prescribed above.
  • In the case of agriculture, farmers’ classification as per SBP’s “Indicative Credit Limits & Eligible Items for Agriculture Financing 2020” will be applicable.

All SBP schemes are subject to:

  • Continuity by SBP
  • Availability of cushion in Limit assigned to Bank
  • Terms and Conditions of every Scheme

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