MW: Mobile Wallet to CNIC

All Jcash Mobile Wallet account holders can now use our extensive retail agent network for an ‘agent assisted’ send money transaction to any valid CNIC holder of Pakistan, directly using their mobile wallet to fund the transaction, instead of cash.


The pricing structure for this facility is detailed below:

Slab Mobile Wallet to Person (CNIC)
1 – 1,000 46
1,001 – 2,500 93
2,501 – 4,000 139
4,001 – 6,000 185
6,001 – 8,000 232
8,001 – 10,000 278
10,001 – 13,000 325
13,001 – 15,000 360
15,001 - 20,000 440
20,001 - 25,000 510


Process The process for completing the Mobile Wallet to CNIC (Person) transfer is detailed below:


  1. Receiver receives a system generated SMS, with Transaction ID and amount of transfer for their reference
  2. Sender informs the Receiver of the secret 5-digit Pass Code for the transaction
  3. Receiver goes to Jcash Agent, and requests for receipt of money
  4. Receiver provides the Transaction ID, and Pass Code, along with the original CNIC, and copy of the same, and their valid Mobile Number
  5. Retail Agent (Receiving Agent) creates a receive money transaction and provides the amount to the Receiver


  1. Provide your Mobile Wallet (Mobile Number) to the Jcash Agent
  2. Provide the valid CNIC and Mobile Number of the Reciever
  3. Inform the Jcash Agent about the amount to transfer
  4. Retail Agent (Sending Agent) creates the transaction and sends the money
  5. The Mobile Wallet account holder receives a confirmation call for this transaction, and provides his 4-digit PIN for validation
  6. If the PIN is valid, the transaction is completed and confirmation messages are sent to both the agent (within the app) and the Jcash MW account holder SMS)
  7. The Sender’ SMS confirmation message also has the 5-digit Pass Code that they need to provide to their Receiver

MW: Mobile Wallet to Mobile Wallet

Jcash Mobile Wallet account holders can now use our extensive retail agent network for an ‘agent assisted’ send money transaction to any other Jcash Mobile Wallet account holder in Pakistan, directly by using their mobile wallet to fund the transaction, instead of cash.


There is no fee for this transaction


The pricing structure for this facility is detailed below:

Slab Person (CNIC) to Wallet
0100 – 1,000 25
1,001 – 2,000 40
2,001 – 3,000 55
3,001 – 4,000 75
4,001 – 6,000 110
6,001 – 8,000 150
8,001 – 10,000 190
10,001 – 13,000 220
13,001 – 16,000 250
16,001 – 20,000 300
16,001 – 20,000 350


All walk-in customers are required to follow the following process:


  1. Receiver receives a system generated SMS, with Transaction ID and amount of transfer for their reference


  1. Sender goes to a Jcash Agent, and requests for a Person to Wallet transaction
  2. Sender provides his valid and active CNIC and Mobile Number
  3. Sender provides the valid Mobile Number (Mobile Wallet) of the Receiver
  4. Sender provides the amount to be sent, in addition to the charges (as per the slabs listed above)
  5. Retail Agent (Sending Agent) creates the transaction and sends the money
  6. Sender receives a system generated SMS, with a Transaction ID, and other transaction details for their reference

MW: Mobile Wallet to JS Branch Account

All Jcash Mobile Wallet account holders can now use our extensive retail agent network for an ‘agent assisted’ send money transaction to any JSBL Branch Account in Pakistan, directly by using their mobile wallet to fund the transaction, instead of cash.


The pricing structure for this facility is detailed below:

Slab CNIC to JSBL Core Account
1 – 1,000 20
1,001 - 2,500 50
2,501 - 4,000 80
4,001 - 6,000 120
6,001 - 8,000 160
8,001 - 10,000 200
10,001 - 13,000 260
13,001 - 15,000 300
15,001 - 20,000 400
20,001 - 25,000 500


The pricing structure for this facility is detailed below:


  1. Receiver receives a system generated SMS, with Transaction ID and amount of transfer for their reference


  1. Sender goes to a Jcash Agent, and requests for a Person to JS Branch Account transaction
  2. Sender provides his valid and active CNIC and Mobile Number
  3. Sender provides the valid JS Branch Account Number of the Receiver, their Mobile Number, and provides the amount to be sent, in addition to the charges (as per the slabs listed above)
  4. Retail Agent (Sending Agent) creates the transaction and, allows the Sender to validate the Title of Account corresponding to the JS Branch Account Number given by the Sender (as a confirmation), and sends the money
  5. Sender receives a system generated SMS, with a Transaction ID, and other transaction details for their reference

MW: Incoming IBFT to Mobile Wallet

All Jcash Mobile Wallets have the facility to ‘receive’ money from other banks and their accounts, using the relevant banks’ ATM, Internet Banking, Mobile Banking, IVR, Call Center, or any other channels (as available with that bank).


There is no fee for this transaction

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