JS / Personal / Consumer Finance / JS – Mera Pakistan Mera Ghar (Government Markup Subsidy Scheme)

Product Features

Markup Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
1-5 Years 2% 5% 7%
6-10 Years 4% 7% 9%
11-15 Years 5% 1-year KIBOR+4% 1-year KIBOR+4%
16-20 Years 1-year KIBOR+2.5% 1-year KIBOR+4% 1-year KIBOR+4%
Monthly Income (Net Disposable Income)
Individuals & Household Rs. 25,000 minimum p.m.
Age: Salaried Person Min 25 to 60 years at maturity
Employment Experience Min 5 years required (Overall Service length and not specific to 1 employer)

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Computerized National Identity Card (CNIC) holder
  • First time homeowner, one unit per household
  • One individual can have subsidized house finance facility under the scheme only once
  • Only for construction and first purchase of newly constructed affordable housing units

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